
News & Information

Spotlight On: The Cayman Islands

31 January 2023
For those seeking friendlier business climates in which to operate, The Cayman Islands has long offered resolve[..]

Opening an Offshore Company in the UAE – What You Need to Know

22 January 2023
As far as offshore jurisdictions go, the UAE is up there with the favorites. There are many reasons for the region’s popularity, which [..]

Tax Friendly Business Environments – What to Look for

13 January 2023
In the modern, globally connected world of business, favourable business environments can be vastly beneficial to a growing entity[..]

5 Good Reasons to Incorporate your Company in Portugal (Madeira)!

10 January 2023
We present you the 5 good reasons to incorporate your company in Madeira[..]

SFM New Jurisdiction: Setting up a Company in Portugal (Madeira)

27 December 2022
We at SFM are passionate about continuously providing the best service and options for our clients, which is why we extensively research the best jurisdictions where to setup companies. This month we are adding Portugal (Madeira) to our list of jurisdictions[..]

UK Register of Overseas Entities

28 November 2022
The Register of Overseas Entities came into force in the UK on 1 August 2022 through the new Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act 2022[..]

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