Corporate Services Questions and Answers by the Experts
At times we all need assistance. Whether you're looking for the best place to register your company or a physical office to open a company anywhere in the world, or simply want to know the meaning of an onshore/offshore company, this is a great place to start. Browse commonly asked questions on offshore company formation below.
Do you have more questions? Read the answers to our most frequently asked questions below.
Is your question not listed? Contact us.

Understanding what is an offshore company, what are the roles and duties of directors and shareholders, and much more.

Offshore banks differ from high street banks in many aspects. There are some important information to know before opening an offshore account.

Here we demystify everything about additional services such as nominee directors, virtual offices, notarization, apostille….
Offshore company formation can be a complex process, especially if you're not familiar with the requirements. This page was created to provide answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we receive from both current and prospective clients.
Two of the most popular questions are about the cost of registering a company and how to register a company . We have streamlined the process for both of those concerns and can provide you with a more detailed breakdown on each. Contact SFM if you have any further questions about any of our services, including those services not mentioned here.