
Rates for Netherlands Company

SFM’s pricing commitment relies on 2 major principles: being the most competitive; and always offering full transparency.

Our price for setting up a company is

Includes all documents so that the company can be fully operational right from the first day of registration
  • Name check and approval
  • Drafting incorporation documents
  • Dutch Notary fees
  • Chamber of Commerce filing fees
  • Capital contribution tax
  • Provision of Registered Office for 1 year
  • KVK dutch extract/certificate
  • Deeds of Incorporation
  • Copy company Articles

See full scope of Services and Documents
Why SFM offers
best value for money (70 sec)

Renewal Fees after one year $ 5,670

List of services included
  • Renewal of the head office, the registered agent and the governmental charges from the jurisdiction in question.
  • A fully dedicated agent from SFM at your service for one year.
  • Ongoing verification that the company complies with local laws subject to additional charges.

See Full Scope of Services

Optional services

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