
Rates for Ireland Company

SFM’s pricing commitment relies on 2 major principles: being the most competitive; and always offering full transparency.

Our price for setting up a company is

Includes all documents so that the company can be fully operational right from the first day of registration
  • Original Certificate of Incorporation
  • Copies of the Memorandum and Articles of Association
  • Share Certificate/s
  • Minutes of Directors First Meeting
  • Statutory Company Registers
  • Company Secretary Maintenance including Named Company Secretary & Registered Office
  • A fully dedicated agent from SFM at your service for one year.

See full scope of Services and Documents
Why SFM offers
best value for money (70 sec)

Renewal Fees after one year $ 2,310

List of services included
  • Renewal of the head office, the registered agent and the governmental charges from the jurisdiction in question.
  • A fully dedicated agent from SFM at your service for one year.
  • Ongoing verification that the company complies with local laws subject to additional charges.

See Full Scope of Services

Optional services

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